Cute toddler has fun while helping dad in the kitchen

Cute toddler has fun while helping dad in the kitchen

What is it with kids and water...

A little girl washes her face with the kitchen faucet
A little girl washes her face with the kitchen faucet/Instagram Screenshot/@itsemilyfuller

Keeping our kids occupied is one thing, but spending time with them is a commitment that almost always pleases your heart in priceless ways.

A mother shared one of these very precious moments on social media, even though she was not present in this instance. 

She left her toddler with her husband, and the child's father sent her a video of what they got up to. Let's say this little girl gave dad a splashingly good time. 

Watch as dad tries to set her actions straight while they wash the dishes. 

Video courtesy of Instagram

We love how this little human grabbed the sponge and tried eating it. We didn't expect anything less from her; she was ready to explore the kitchen basin to the max. 

It is said that children learn through play, and this is a fine example of that. By dad allowing her to be free, she not only enjoyed herself, but she also learned by doing. 

"Children who are more kinesthetic learn through physical sensations and may have trouble sitting still for long periods. A hands-on approach that actively allows your child to explore her physical world helps her learn best." (Ability Path)

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Image Courtesy of Instagram


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