Cute video of toddlers at the playground with their dog

Cute video of toddlers at the playground with their dog

No one said you can't ride the slide with your dog...

Kids climb up the ladder of a slide with their dog
Kids climb up the ladder of a slide with their dog/X Screenshot/@Upliftingvision

Finding things to do with the kids during the weekend can sometimes take time and effort. This is especially true when you only want to relax, and their little minds don't know about relaxing yet. 

Sometimes, just letting them play outside can be a refreshing idea. 

Never underplay the value of taking a child to the playground. We know it's been cold, but that never stopped kids from having a good time before, so why start now? 

A cute video of two kids playing at the playground with their dog has left us smiling. 

It's moments like this that make having a pet the most fun. Watching kids have some innocent fun with their dog at the playground reminds us that it doesn't take much to enjoy your weekend with the kids. 

Watch the video from X below. 

Tune in to the 'Workzone with Elana Afrika-Bredenkamp', weekdays from 09:00 - 12:00. Stream the show live here or download our mobile app here.

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Image Courtesy of X


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