Dad puts hair remover on daughter's hair by mistake

Dad puts hair remover on daughter's hair by mistake

Dad got himself in a hairy situation!

A woman holds strands of her daughter's hair
A woman holds strands of her daughter's hair/TikTok Screenshot/@rudo09

This generation of fathers is more active in their kids' lives than previous generations. 

Fathers are there to do more than gender-specific tasks like teaching their boys about grooming. They also help care for their daughters. One of the most popular things we have seen on social media surrounding dads and daughters is the father styling or caring for their daughter's hair

Usually, we are greeted by cute videos of dads styling their daughters' hair, but this time, things were different

In a video shared on TikTok, we see a father doing his daughter's hair. It looks like he applied a foamy liquid, but she quickly realises that instead of hair oil, he has applied hair removal cream. 

She starts screaming at him, and things get worse when mom enters the bathroom to find out what he has done.

He tries to defend his actions, but a crying daughter and angry mother overpower him. The young girl is beside herself, upset about her falling hair. 

At first, we thought it was all staged, but we believe it was a daddy-daughter bonding time that went wrong. 

Watch what the young girl tells her dad at the end of the video - courtesy of TikTok

@rudo09 The insane ending 💔💔 .. #foryou #chronicillness #pain #emotional #awareness #fibromyalgia #fibromyalgiaawareness #emotional #fypp #chronicpain ♬ Very Sad - Enchan

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Image Courtesy of TikTok


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