Dare to try this travel hack with your kids at the airport?

Dare to try this travel hack with your kids at the airport?

This could be the coolest hack when traveling with kids at the airport. 

A young child is hooked into a wheelie travel bag
A young child is hooked into a wheelie travel bag/X Screenshot/@TheFigen_

Traveling with your kids can be more challenging than running the Comrades...

We cannot say for certain, but perhaps it comes close. Especially when you are traveling by air with a curious toddler. Perhaps this is the reason that so many parents resort to 'child leashes', where they strap their kid's hand onto a leash the way a pet parent would their pet. 

As a parent, it is always advisable to take on any help from other parents who have traveled with kids. 

Whether that includes carrying snack boxes in your hand luggage or planning an itinerary of activities for long flights. It always works wonders to be prepared for anything. If you know, you know. 

This is why when we saw this video, we not only thought it was a good share, but also a funny one. 

A video on X shows a father who was moving around the airport with his toddler. The toddler is sitting on the top of his luggage, unable to move around because the kid's jersey is secured to the pop-up handle of the luggage bag. 

Watch the video below, courtesy of X

Please note we are sharing this video as a form of light-hearted entertainment and do not support any negative connotations that may arise from it. 

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Image Courtesy of X


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