Disney's new movie 'Turning Red' helps communicate the struggles of young girls

Disney's new movie 'Turning Red' helps communicate the struggles of young girls

Finally, a movie that tackles the lived experiences of young girls.

turning red

Disney's 'Turning Red' is all about a quirky young girl named Meilin going through her teen years' uncomfortable and awkward beginning.

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To make matters worse, the women in her family have the magical ability to turn into giant red pandas when they experience strong emotions.

Aside from the magical aspects of the movie, it provides a wonderful exploration of the early experiences of young girls and puberty.

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Sarah El-Mahmoud reviews the movie for cinema blend and she comments: "If I had seen this film before that time, I sincerely think that I may have felt less estranged by the milestone that is puberty."

Read the full review here.

Image: © Pixar Animation

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