Do you feel this strongly about your ice-cream?

Do you feel this strongly about your ice-cream?

We know it's Winter, but does that mean we forget about our favourite cold snack?

A baby girl eats her ice cream as she sleeps in her stroller
A baby girl eats her ice cream as she sleeps in her stroller/Instagram Screenshot/@rosaharrison

'I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice-cream..."

We must admit that we love singing that song; even as adults, there's something therapeutic about ice-cream. It's always stood the test of time in cheering you up and never disappoints in making you feel like everything will be okay. 

Whether you like chocolate or strawberry, you enjoy your scoop/s in a cone or a cup; ice-cream makes you feel like a kid again. 

As we savour the nostalgia that ice-cream brings us, we wanted to share a video about a little girl known to be attached to her ice-cream

A mother, Rosa Harrison, shared a video of her daughter Lucia's inseparable relationship with ice-cream. Even though she was tired and falling asleep, she refused to part with her chocolate ice-cream cone. 

We strongly feel that Rosa is not the only parent who has experienced this. Kids will test you in the most inventive ways. She is sleeping, but each time her mother tries to take the melting ice-cream away, she cries...

Watch the video from Instagram

Since it is winter, we would like to know if you are still migrating to cool snacks like ice-cream or giving it up for a warm cup of hot chocolate?

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Image Courtesy of Instagram


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