Dog saves owner who had a stroke and collapsed into pool

Dog saves owner who had a stroke and collapsed into pool

This has got to be one of the most miraculous stories we have heard and seen in a while. 

A man falls into the pool and his dogs stand along the side barking
A man falls into the pool and his dogs stand along the side barking/X Screenshot/TheFigen_

We are big fans of our furry family members and can truly attest to their greatness through our experiences. 

However, not everyone values their pets and what they are capable of. An 83-year-old man, Gary Johnson, experienced a stroke while he was walking in his backyard, which caused him to fall into his swimming pool. 

His dogs noticed that he fell into the water, and Wrigley, the biggest of the dogs, began barking, confused as to what was happening. Wrigley then ran to get help and found the landscaper. 

The landscaper ran after Wrigley and saw Johnson inside the pool; he jumped in and managed to help him before he lost consciousness. 

According to the video shared on X, Wrigley rarely got along with the landscaper, but on this day, he was grateful to keep the peace with the man who helped save his human. 

It was heartwarming to watch Wrigley's reaction when Mr Johnson returned from the hospital. He then revealed that he had saved Wrigley from a kill shelter when he was a pup. 

Take a look at the video footage from X below. 

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Image Courtesy of X

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