Eight habits to get addicted to this New Year

Eight habits to get addicted to this New Year

Look at it this way, you can only do better when you know how to do better...

A person jumping off the 2024 cliff to the New Year in 2025
A person jumping off the 2024 cliff to the New Year in 2025/iStock/Dilok Klaisataporn

We are heading into 2025 with a 'can do' attitude. Each New Year manages to get people in a different headspace. 

Some are driven to live their best lives, so they bulk up on motivational quotes and advice from those who are living out their dreams. Then, some get excited about the prospect of a new year and new opportunities but aren't able to follow through with the right attitude. 

We found some handy tips from the author of the self-discipline book, 'Live Your Impossible'. The tips are easy-to-conquer habits that you can start practising immediately and will help you reap the rewards.

1. Wake up early

Some of the greats have long shared this tip, which is a firm reminder that waking up early is a must if you want to do more in 2025. 

Waking up early helps you find the time to exercise, plan your day, be more productive, and even eat well. Don't take that excuse of not having time into 2025; wake up earlier. 

2. Journaling before bed

This is said to help improve the quality of your sleep and will improve your mental health. Ideas on what to write down include but are not limited to: 

  • Your goals for the next day
  • A gratitude list 
  • Any negative thoughts

3. Learning an online skill for 30 minutes

This is an excellent way to supplement your income and help you in this economy by gaining skills you could use to establish a second income. It can also be a great way to make yourself irreplaceable at your current job. 

It shows initiative and can help you reach your financial goals for the year. Some ideas on what to learn include: 

  • Coding
  • Digital Marketing
  • Content Creation
  • YouTube
  • Copywriting
  • Bookkeeping 
4. Exercise

Good mental health is closely connected to good physical health. By exercising for at least an hour every day, you can work on your psychological and physical well-being concisely. 

Running, swimming, and lifting weights are great ways to tone and strengthen your body quickly. Remember to consult your GP before starting a strenuous exercise plan. 

5. Sitting in silence for 10 minutes a day

Taking just 10 minutes to settle your mind can make a difference. You can take ten minutes to: 

  • Sit in silence 
  • Practice mindfulness
  • Give your mind a break
  • Be present in the moment
6. Sleep schedule

Sleep is essential for overall performance and mental health, reducing stress, and improving mood. You can create a better sleep routine that helps with a deep and restful sleep by practising the following:

  • No screen time for 1 hour before bed
  • No eating three hours before bed
  • Make your room cooler
  • Use blackout curtains

7. Walk in nature for 30 minutes

You could essentially make this part of your exercise routine. Walking in nature can help you overcome anxiety, increase your happiness, and improve your mood. 

It is considered one of the best hacks for improving your day. 

8. Read at least 10 pages a day

Reading strengthens your mind and has a host of other benefits that include: 

  • Increasing your focus
  • Increase your knowledge
  • Increase your self confidence
  • Broadens your mind

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Image Courtesy of iStock


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