The first 60-year-old to win Miss Buenos Aires

The first 60-year-old to win Miss Buenos Aires

"Maybe the concept of beauty needs to expand." - Alejandra Rodriguez

The crowning of Miss Buenos Aires in Argentina
The crowning of Miss Buenos Aires in Argentina/Instagram Screenshot/@juliorodriguezmatute

Some might say, "It's about time!" - and we would agree. 

The concept of beauty has come a long way, and there is still a long way to go, but hearing the story of Alejandra Rodriguez feels like a true win. 

Alejandra Rodriguez was crowned Miss Buenos Aires in April this year. Her win made the headlines because she is 60 years old and a sexagenarian. 

It's not usual to see a 60-year-old woman participate in a beauty pageant, especially a contest that was coordinated by the Miss Universe organisation. 

The Miss Universe organisation removed the age limit for contestants this year. 

Even though Alejandra Rodriguez didn't win Miss Argentina, which would've allowed her to enter Miss Universe, her win as Miss Buenos Aires is changing the beauty world. 

"While she was unable to repeat that triumph on Saturday to become Miss Argentina and earn the right to represent her country in the Miss Universe pageant, she did win the 'best face' category and celebrated her breakthrough as marking the beginnings of a shift in how beauty is perceived." (CNN)

Rodriguez, an attorney and professional journalist, told CNN: "This is the first step of a change that is coming.

"I hope this (my participation) marks a before and after. I think exterior beauty is always the main focus. I don’t think selecting a beautiful woman is wrong, but maybe the concept of beauty needs to expand." 

Watch an interview with Alejandra Rodriguez below, courtesy of YouTube.

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Image Courtesy of Instagram


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