Five-year-old calls 911 to bring her donuts

Five-year-old calls 911 to bring her donuts

A police officer responded to her call and did the sweetest thing...

A young girl is eating a donut with icing and sprinkles on it
A young girl is eating a donut with icing and sprinkles on it/Pexels/@Elina Fairytale

Teaching kids what to do in an emergency is a rite of passage that we sometimes don't prioritise. Not because it isn't essential, but because it forces you to acknowledge that your kids might be in a dangerous situation at some point. 

A five-year-old girl was well-equipped with the knowledge of who to call in an emergency, but her idea of what constituted an emergency needed to be more credible. 

A five-year-old girl is said to have used her father's phone to call 911. 

But no life-threatening emergency required the police, or was there? According to the young girl's grandmother, the toddler used her dad's phone to call 911 and ask for donuts. 

Ah, kids, they know exactly how to press your buttons; in this case, it was more literal than we expected. What was so wholesome to watch was the police officer who responded to her call. 

Watch what happened in the video from Instagram

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Image Courtesy of Pexels


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