Little girl cannot contain her excitement over her debutant's gift

Little girl cannot contain her excitement over her debutant's gift

This is a very adult way of showing affection...

A little girl kisses a little boy
A little girl kisses a little boy/Instagram Screenshot/@viralhog

It's been said that children mimic what they see adults do. 

Sometimes that comes in the form of speech and sometimes it comes in the form of action.  

This time it was most likely action. And as the saying goes, actions do speak louder than words. But it seems for these kids, it might be a bit too early for this sort of action...

In a video shared on Instagram, we see a young boy all dressed up in his formal attire walking towards a young girl who is dressed in a ruffled white dress waiting patiently for her partner. 

The young boy hands her a gift and is shocked by her response. The kids are at their kindergarten dance. 

The little girl grabs a hold of him and kisses him emphatically. Her reaction towards him warrants a bellowing laughter from the audience. 

Watch the video below, courtesy of Instagram

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Image Courtesy of Instagram


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