The lesson behind baby drinking out of the dog's water bowl

The lesson behind baby drinking out of the dog's water bowl

There's a key part of this video for parents who are first-timers; it's okay, breathe, everything will be alright...

A baby is about to drink from the dog's watering bowl
A baby is about to drink from the dog's watering bowl/Instagram Screenshot/@britt_physiomum

Most medical professionals will tell parents to be wary when introducing their babies to their pets. They even set out some safety tips on how to introduce them and the relevant health concerns that come with having pets around your babies.

However, having a pet can be therapeutic and build a child's immunity

It can benefit both kids and animals as they greatly mirror each other in their demeanour. However, as a first-time parent, there is a natural tendency for some to overreact. Sometimes, it is warranted, but we have also learnt that with time and experience as a parent, you feel more comfortable in your role in identifying what to freak out about and what not to. 

A mom shared this idea in a video. She showed us how one minute she was busy sterilising bottles and dummies for her baby, and now she sees him drinking out of the dog's water bowl. 

It was a classic example of how sometimes as parents, we need to step back. Placing our kids in bubbles all their lives will not positively impact them as they grow. It might even be to their demise to do so...

Watch the video below of this little guy drinking out of the dog's water bowl - courtesy of Instagram

As much as we agree with this mother's supposition that stressing over things when your child is born shouldn't be the focus of parenting, it is essential to note that it is not ideal for a child to drink out of the dog's bowl. 

Every child is different, so there's no finite way of knowing how they will respond to the bacteria in the dog's bowl. Here are some tips on responding to the situation if it happens to you. 

  • Don't freak out - kids' are born to explore. 
  • Assess the situation: did the dog's bowl have fresh water? Were there any particles in the water that the baby could have digested? 
  • Monitor the baby for any signs of vomiting or diarrhoea.  
  • Rinse and wash baby's mouth with clean water. 
  • Seek medical advice if you are concerned. 

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Image Courtesy of Instagram


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