Little boy has the attention of all the girls

Little boy has the attention of all the girls

The background track for this video felt like it should've been Monica and Brandy's 'The Boy Is Mine'...

Little girls around a little boy at a outdoor get together
Little girls around a little boy at a outdoor get together/Instagram Screenshot/@pluggedsoundztv

Thinking about giving your kids the 'talk' when they get older is more than a little stressful. Even more strenuous is figuring out what age you should give them the 'talk' and all the questions they might have. 

But if you are a toddler's parent, you still have some time... or so you think. 

We have seen more than a few videos of toddlers who are more comfortable showing physical affection. We believe it is innocent and shouldn't be something we overreact to as parents. 

Remembering our reactions could cause our kids to think they are doing something wrong or unacceptable, which may cause them to have behavioural issues as they grow. 

We saw a video of a little girl showing affection to a little boy who seemed confused. 

His confusion heightened when another little girl approached him and did the same thing, all while the first little girl came in with a vengeance and pushed the other child away. 

It gave off 'The Boy Is Mine' vibes, and while all this transpired, we just heard the adults laughing and enjoying the moment of young love (and maybe a little jealousy). 

Most parents don't read too much into this sort of behaviour. It is innocent, and the question of appropriation isn't something they concern themselves with. 

Watch the video below, courtesy of Instagram

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Image Courtesy of Instagram


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