Mama cat brings her kitten to meet new baby of the house

Mama cat brings her kitten to meet new baby of the house

Could this mother be forcing a playdate on her kitten?

A mother cat drags her kitten to the baby of the house
A mother cat drags her kitten to the baby of the house/X Screenshot/@Logical_Girll

As a new parent, it can be overwhelming to have a pet around your infant

For obvious reasons, out of fear of course. There have been incidents in the past where pets have attacked babies, and some parents have those instances stuck in their minds. 

It is only natural to be overprotective. Pet experts have shared that pet dogs and cats are protective of young. This is something that is part of their nature. 

In a video shared on X, we see a mother cat drag her kitten to the baby of the house. 

The baby seems to be sleeping on the floor and as the mother cat drags her kitten to meet the baby, the kitten resists and moves back. 

It almost looks like she is forcing them to play and the kitten is uninterested by the playdate offer...

Watch the video below, courtesy of X

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Image Courtesy of X


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