Mom asks daughter where her manners are...

Mom asks daughter where her manners are...

You won't believe how this kid responded to her mother!

Black Samsung tablet displaying Google in the browser
Black Samsung tablet displaying Google in the browser/Pexels/@PhotoMIX Company

Disciplining your child is not black and white anymore. It requires a lot of self-reflection, breaking down old habits and patterns, and self-discipline. 

Any parent can say that discipline might be one of the most challenging parts of parenting. Most of the time, we fail in our approach because we haven't fully healed from the bad disciplining habits of generations before us. 

So, it is essential to take a step back and redefine what this concept means, especially to you and your family. 

It was scary to see the statistics about how many children under the age of five get disciplined violently. 

According to UNICEF, almost 400-million kids "experience violent physical or psychological discipline at home, from spanking to insults".

As disheartening as that may be, we wanted to raise your consciousness and allow you to see that you are not alone. Parenting is not easy; we get it, but our little humans rely on us to be there for them in every possible way. 

And if we cannot be there for them, something needs to change. Seeking help in the form of a parenting group or therapist could be the solution you require. 

All this talk about discipline stemmed from a lighthearted video we saw on social media. 

In the video, a mother asks her daughter where her manners are...

Her daughter, who looks like she is around four or five years old, responds epically. She tells her mother to "Google it". Now, this might be a trigger for some parents, especially after a long day, but we know that kids this age are still learning, and they tend to push the boundaries more than we need them to. 

So, instead of losing your cool, why not practice a pause and look at things from a different perspective? Otherwise, check out some of these tips when dealing with back talk

Watch the video below, courtesy of TikTok

@jadestar_fit These Google era children has none of it.🫢 But also, @Google is your friend.👍🏽 #google #tiktoksouthafrica #SAMA28 #kidsoftiktokfunny ♬ original sound - Jadestar | Attorney | CPT

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Image Courtesy of Pexels


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