Mom does morning dance routine for her baby girl

Mom does morning dance routine for her baby girl

It takes a kid to humble you...

A woman dancing for two babies in highchairs
A woman dancing for two babies in highchairs/TikTok Screenshot/@mhizcalibackup

Mornings can be something of a buzz for most parents. Waking up early, lunch prep, and making sure the kids get ready for school can be a menace. 

But they don't have to be. 

We think that once you get a routine in place, add some fun and remove the element of stress, things can run pretty smoothly in the morning. 

One mom seems to have it down to a fine art with her morning routine.

Surprisingly, her baby girl agrees with her mother's moves. A mother shared a video of her morning routine with her baby girl; she dances for her while she eats her breakfast. 

It seems the baby girl was enjoying it because she was used to it, unlike her cousin, who was joining her for breakfast. 

The niece/cousin was shocked by her aunt's dancing and looked confused more than entertained. 

Watch the video below, courtesy of TikTok


♬ original sound - mhizcalibackup

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Image Courtesy of TikTok


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