Mom goes into supermom mode while out for a walk

Mom goes into supermom mode while out for a walk

It's been said that when we become parents, we react to things differently - and this is proof of that. 

A mother and child taking a walk
A mother and child taking a walk/Instagram Screenshot/@diamondsmile25

Mothers are often called 'superhuman' for managing several tasks over and above parenting

We wouldn't call it unusual; it is more of a response to being a mother. But we saw one mother go into supermom mode when she was walking with her baby

In the video, we see the mother pushing the stroller but the baby is walking next to her. 

The child unknowingly steps onto a maintenance hole (manhole), which would've been okay if the maintenance hole cover had been secured. 

But it was not and this caused the child to slip in. As with any accident, it all happened so fast. 

The mother acted instinctively and immediately tried to help her baby out. She was so focused and in immediate supermom mode that she picked the manhole cover up and flung it aside. 

Watch the video below, courtesy of Instagram

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Image Courtesy of Instagram


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