Mom guilt is real - and it really does affect mothers in a harsh way...

Mom guilt is real - and it really does affect mothers in a harsh way...

It is a process, a conscious one, but definitely a one-step-at-a-time kind of process for some...

Little boy falls asleep at a closer door on the floor
Little boy falls asleep at a closer door on the floor/TikTok Screenshot/@babygriffin

When you're a mother, there are certain things that come with the title. 

Many women find it difficult to let go when it comes to their little ones. 

And, boy, do our kids know that. They also take full advantage of it and it doesn't make us feel any better. 

What are we referring to? Mom guilt. 

A mother recently shared her immense mom guilt after deciding to take five minutes to shower. 

If you know then you know... Our kids can be somewhat needy at times. 

And it is not something to be worried about, well, not in our opinion. They just have a lot to deal with being a growing kid. 

Therefore, it is important to help them through their big feelings and at the same help yourself through your feelings of guilt when taking some time for you. 

This is how we see it. Kids are able to read emotions better than we give them credit. 

So, when they see you with your abundant guilt, it is only natural for them to demand more from you and take as much as you are willing to give. 

If you loosen the threads and give them some space, it may be difficult at first, but they will be okay...

Trust that and try it out if you are experiencing mom guilt. 


WATCH the video below from TikTok

@babygriffin Currently crying my eyes out with him in my bed & asleep in my arms. Poor buddy 😩😭😭 #momguilt #momguiltisreal #momcontent #momsoftiktok #momlife #momtok #toddlersoftiktok #toddlermom #toddlertok #momsontiktok #momsonabudget #momsover30 #firsttimemom #newmom #singlemom #boymom #workingmom ♬ this is what heartbreak feels like - JVKE

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