Mom shares how she gets her daughter to take her meds

Mom shares how she gets her daughter to take her meds

When a song transports you to another place, you drink your medicine...

A little girl drinking medicine from a plastic cup
A little girl drinking medicine from a plastic cup/Instagram Screenshot/@athomewithjastini

It's cold and flu season, and getting your kids to have their medicine can be challenging. 

We have seen some parents use extreme tactics in the past to get their little ones to have their medicine, and sometimes it has worked, other times not so much. 

The thing about these so-called tactics is that you have to genuinely believe in them to work, because these kids are just getting smarter and smarter to outwit and outlast. 

One mother shared a unique way of getting her daughter to take her medicine. 

It doesn't have the greatest of connotations, considering you wouldn't want your little one imitating the act of having alcohol, but it works for her, so...

Watch the video below, courtesy of Instagram

Only parents can attest that you will do anything and everything you can to get your kids to do what's best for them. 

So, if emulating a dance party with LMFAO's song 'Shots' featuring Lil Jon is the way to go, then you do, mama. 

Tune in to the 'Workzone with Elana Afrika-Bredenkamp', weekdays from 09:00 - 12:00. Stream the show live here or download our mobile app here.

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Image Courtesy of Instagram


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