Mom teaches toddler how to make her coffee

Mom teaches toddler how to make her coffee

They might as well learn early on how you enjoy your coffee, don't you think?

A toddler is making coffee in the kitchen
A toddler is making coffee in the kitchen/Instagram Screenshot/@freckledmadre

A certain liberation comes with raising a child who can do things for themselves. 

That is probably why Montessori education has taken off with many families. It is a style of teaching that helps kids feel in control and allows them to learn by doing. 

A mother who joked about teaching her toddler how to make her coffee because she woke her up, displayed trust whilst teaching her toddler. Trust is a critical ingredient in Montessori education

Mom, who goes by the handle 'freckledmadre' (Jessica) on Instagram, shared a video showing how she taught her toddler to make her coffee

She said in the post: "I'm re-teaching my toddler how to make my coffee because she woke me up way too early. Lmao." 

Sleeping schedules can be erratic depending on the type of routine you have for your child. Sometimes, they can surprise you and wake up earlier than you expect or want. Mom found the lightheartedness in it all and shared this video as relatable content. 

Watch the video below, courtesy of Instagram.

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Image Courtesy of Instagram


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