Mom tries 'hack' to get baby to sleep

Mom tries 'hack' to get baby to sleep

It is a process of elimination when trying different sleep routines...This one needs some work. 

A baby holds a pillow with his mother's bra on it
A baby holds a pillow with his mother's bra on it/Instagram Screenshot/@realomojinad

Getting your baby into a sleep routine can be challenging. Finding a rhythm that suits baby, mom, and dad (and the rest of the family) can take some time. 

Some parents seek the advice and services of a sleep therapist, and some have sworn by these experts calling them lifesavers; others have had some daunting experiences. 

As parents, we must beat to the sound of our drums and do what suits us. Trying new things is all good, but it's essential to give your child time to figure out if each thing you try is something they resonate with or not. You cannot try something for one or two days and deem it a failure...

It takes a consistent approach with a hint of mom or dad smart. 

Many breastfed babies enjoy holding onto their mom's bosom when they sleep. It is almost a form of comfort. 

Many older people have said that holding a baby to sleep too often will spoil them; in other words, the child won't sleep on their own and will want to be carried every time it's sleep time. Others have said that if you hold the baby too much, then the baby's body will hurt...

These are all old wives' tales; we are not sure this is true, but we know that babies could never be spoilt. 

Watch how inventive this mother was as she tried to get her baby to sleep without her - video courtesy of Instagram

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Image Courtesy of Instagram


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