Mom uses her knitting skills to knit a doll that looks like her son

Mom uses her knitting skills to knit a doll that looks like her son

It's not as weird as it sounds though, it was just a fun family project.

Young man standing next to a life size knitted doll
Young man standing next to a life size knitted doll/Instagram Screenshot/@mariekevoorsluijs

Being a mother to a teenager is completely different to being a mother to a toddler. 

And as much as some parents try to prepare others for the experience, going through it yourself as opposed to hearing someone else's experience can be jarring. 

The more we want to be involved in their lives, the more they resist and steer toward their independence. 

It's a natural phenomenon and nothing to be overly concerned about. 

And each parent handles it differently. This mother, who still wanted hugs and cuddle time with her teenage son took things a step into the weird. 

She is a talented knitter and decided to knit a life-size version of her teenage son. 

Check out her post on Instagram below:


Like most teenagers, Voorsluijs admitted that her son was more interested in hanging out with friends and his phone. 

"We laugh a lot about the stretching gap between his needs and mine. Him needing more of his own space and my covert needs to keep on smothering him with maternal love,” Voorsluijs explained (MSN).

Her thoughts after finishing the project were that this would be a nice option for mothers whose kids had outgrown hugs. 

The project was meant to be a fun family project and not meant to be sad... or creepy.

We can appreciate some good fun in the family and clearly her son thought it was funny too, considering he posed for a pic next to it. 

Image Courtesy of Instagram

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