Mom warns firs-time parents not to pull their kids' arms

Mom warns first-time parents not to pull their kids' arms

Parents should be wary of pulling their kids by their wrists because it can lead to dislocation. 

A father pulls his son up by hands at home
A father pulls his son up by hands at home/iStock/Elena Odareeva

It's easy to get caught up in all the things you think you're doing "wrong" as a parent, especially when it feels like you're steering a ship with no clear direction. But often, those moments are where the greatest lessons are learnt.

One mother shared a story about her husband, who was innocently playing with their two-year-old when things took an unexpected turn.

He was holding their daughter's wrists and twirling her from side to side, her excited giggles encouraging him to continue – until she accidentally dislocated her elbow.

Watch the video she shared on Instagram

It was surprising to see how often this happens among parents – many commented sharing their own experiences. 

  • "My husband did the same to my 18-month-old son. Man refused to rough house with the kid again until he was 4yrs old out of fear."

  • "I’m an x-ray tech at a children’s hospital. It happens all the time."

  • "Called the Babysitter’s/Nurse’s elbow, happens pretty often we live we learn."

  • "I used to swing my baby cousin around by the hands. I'm now really glad I didn't accidentally hurt her. Not sure how I would explain that to the parents."

  • "Ooof, yes, in the Netherlands, this is called a 'Sunday's arm', as if apparently often happened when going to the park on a Sunday for a walk and swinging your child in between you."

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