Moms, is this you at your kids sports events?

Moms, is this you at your kids sports events?

We are not 100% sure, but this woman is believed to be the mother of one of the soccer players and just wanted to show him support. 

A woman stands at the top of a fence cheering for players at a soccer game
A woman stands at the top of a fence cheering for players at a soccer game/Instagram Screenshot/

Recently, we showed a crying toddler who didn't want to let go of his mother on his sports day. His mother's quick thinking pushed him to win first place in his race. 

This is not unlike mothers. Being there to motivate, cheer, support, and lead are qualities of a mother who wants to be present for their kids. 

And we have previously noted what showing up for your kids does for them. 

Because local is always lekker, we wanted to share a video with you showing a mother who went all out to show support for her son. 

We see a mother at the top of a high fence at a soccer game. She climbed up the fence barefooted, and even though she struggled to balance, she managed to cheer for her son before trying to come down. 

Luckily, there are people at the bottom who helped her get down safely

Here are some of the comments. 

  • "If my mother did this I'm scoring 9 hattricks"
  • "This is so me at a rugby match when my boys play…the excitement is real"
  • "Definitely my Mother"

Here is the video from Instagram

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Image Courtesy of Instagram


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