Nigerian couple dance to Bollywood song at wedding

Nigerian couple dance to Bollywood song at wedding

A beautiful sentiment to being multicultural as a continent. 

A Nigerian couple posing for their wedding photo
A Nigerian couple posing for their wedding photo/Instagram Screenshot/@iam_aishaibrahim

Bollywood movies are more popular than most people think, and not just in the Indian community. 

In fact, a couple who boldly shared their love for a popular Bollywood love song went viral for featuring this song at their wedding. 

The bride, an influencer, and her groom played the song and accompanied it with a little performance. It had all the makings of a good Bollywood movie scene - one that Shahrukh Khan would be proud of. 


Watch how this couple dance to the hit song, 'Kuch Kuch Hota Hai', at their wedding. 

Courtesy of Instagram.

The popular Bollywood movie 'Kuch Kuch Hota Hai' was a 1998 hit that received various accolades, including the National Film Award for Best Popular Film Providing Wholesome Entertainment. 

The comments on the video were inspiring. 

  • "Girl choreographing on the spot"
  • "Love from India. Both of you bravehearts executed it fabulously."
  • "I was shy on her behalf until she pulled that falling move…they fit each other"
  • "Many of my Nigerian friends have watched more Bollywood movies than I have"

It was inspiring to see how a completely different culture resonated with the world of Bollywood. 

Just for the lovers, here's a video of the song from the movie—courtesy of YouTube

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Image Courtesy of Instagram


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