Parents share the things their dog taught the baby

Parents share the things their dog taught the baby

Well, we can't blame big sister considering that's her job in life...

A baby and pet golden retriever play with water sensory table
A baby and pet golden retriever play with water sensory table/Instagram Screenshot/@ladyandtheblues

There's no doubt that kids who are brought up around pets grow up differently from kids who aren't exposed to pets during their upbringing. 

Some experts have even revealed that babies who are around pets from a young age have stronger immune systems. 

A family who have a Golden Retriever and a baby girl share a video showing all the things big sister has taught baby sister. From jumping to biting, this baby is being groomed by her big dog sister and loving it...

Watch all the things baby sister (Olivia) has learned from big sister (Lady). 

Courtesy of Instagram

People questioned whether Olivia would grow up thinking she was part dog... A valid question for babies who grow up with pet siblings. 

  • "Olivia got a shoe in her hand, I bet it's Lady who taught her too" 
  • "Are you sure Olivia won't grow up thinking she's at least part dog?"
  • "The way she focuses watching Lady and then copies her"
  • "Olivia really looks at what Lady is doing and thinks hmm that looks like fun I can do that too"
  • "No one can tell me that these two are not related"

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Image Courtesy of Instagram


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