Parents use a roast chicken to celebrate son's birthday

Parents use a roast chicken to celebrate son's birthday

What better way to celebrate your kid's birthday than by doubling up the meal with the birthday cake?

A little boy smiles while standing behind a rotisserie chicken with a birthday candle
A little boy smiles while standing behind a rotisserie chicken with a birthday candle/Instagram Screenshot/@lettinggoofherpodcast

There's much to be said about kids and cake or anything sweet. Most kids have a sweet tooth and always have a cake appetite...

However, that ideal is evolving, or perhaps it was always around, and now we are more aware of it because more parents share their unique situations online. Recently, we saw an Indian household substitute biryani for a birthday cake, but this was for an adult...

A mother shared how her toddler loves Rotisserie Chicken so much that they decided to use it as his 'birthday cake'. 

Watch the video below - courtesy of Instagram

It was the smile that melted our hearts...

We love how these parents embraced their son's likes and didn't feel pressured to live up to a societal norm or tradition of celebrating with a birthday cake. 

This proves that stepping outside the box is acceptable and can be normalised when we lead by example. The proof isn't in the pudding but in this little boy's excitement about celebrating his birthday with his favourite food - roast chicken

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Image Courtesy of Instagram


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