Pet parent finds roti hidden in her bed

Pet parent finds roti hidden in her bed

A dog finds the perfect hiding place for his roti...

Close up photo of roti
Close up photo of roti/Pexels/@Usman Yousaf

Who doesn't love a good roti? Regardless of your background, versions of this much-desired toasted flatbread are always a hit with most people. 

Therefore, it is no surprise that even our pets love them. 

A video of an Indian model and content creator from Sacramento, California, USA, got us thinking of the weird things our pets do. 

In the video, Ari shows us how she found a roti in her bed. Of course, this is not usual and seems more than just a bit odd. 

But after some thought, she realised that one of her dogs had hidden the roti under her duvet and was not happy with her when she removed it. This got us thinking...

As much as dogs are not known for hiding rotis, they are certainly known for hiding bones. According to the VCA Hospitals website, dogs hiding bones is part of their ancestry behaviour. 

"Dogs are protective creatures that safeguard all that they deem valuable. Following in his ancestors’ footsteps, your dog uses his own front feet to hollow out an area in the ground that keeps his 'treasures' safe." 

Could this mean that Ari's dog hid the roti under the covers because he considered it to be 'treasure'? 

Perhaps the roti is that good...

Watch the video below, courtesy of TikTok

@fijiarii 🤦‍♀️#fyp #dogsoftiktok #dog #pitbull #indian #fijian #roti #tortilla ♬ original sound - SpongeBob background music

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Image Courtesy of Pexels


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