Picky eaters: This kid says a hard 'No' to chicken feet!

Picky eaters: This kid says a hard 'No' to chicken feet!

Is it chicken feet or chicken lickin?

Child refuses to eat chicken feet dish
Child refuses to eat chicken feet dish/TikTok Screenshot/@zonke_adore5

We have to say that having kids has taught us a lot. Especially when it comes to food...

They are certainly picky when it comes to their likes and dislikes. If only we could get an eager reaction to things that are good for them...

But in saying that, we have to admit that we all have our likes and dislikes and as much as we want to encourage our kids to eat everything that we were brought up on, it's not always possible. 

Sometimes it's not necessarily something we were brought up on, but rather a meal that our parents and grandparents turned to because it didn't put a hole in one's pocket. 

This young girl was not having it when her mother brought over a bowl of chicken feet for her to eat. 

It's not just her reaction to it coupled with her hand gestures, but the fact that she was still trying to remain respectful throughout it all...

WATCH the video below, courtesy of TikTok.


♬ original sound - Zonke Adore La-Nyase


We can't say that we can be mad at her for saying no. As much as it may be a delicacy to many, it certainly doesn't look appealing. 

We have to face reality, there will always be people who enjoy these and those that don't...

Which one are you?

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Image Courtesy of TikTok

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