Six things that will help you achieve a better life

Six things that will help you achieve a better life

No harm in trying them out, with the promise to a happier life, we are definitely in...

Motivational speaker Mel Robbins
Motivational speaker Mel Robbins/Instagram Screenshot/@MelRobbins

If you don't know who Mel Robbins is, then let us introduce you to her amazingness. She is a best-selling author to The 5 Second Rule, a motivational speaker and a podcast host. 

Her words ring true for anyone who is on the precipice of wanting to change, looking for inspiration and in search of the truth.  

And sometimes you need the hard truth when it comes to igniting change. 

She recently shared six pillars to practice daily to achieve a happier, more fulfilled and energetic life. 

These may seem mediocre or simple, but sometimes that is exactly what we need to do, come back to basics. 

1. Get more intentional about achieving a better night's sleep. 

2. Every single morning get outside and expose yourself to the light. Even on a cloudy day, the exposure to light with shift your mood and even help you focus. 

3. Movement. Just a 10 minute walk every single day adds years to your life, and also shifts your energy. 


4. Your fuel. Get more deliberate about putting more whole foods and hydration into your system. 

5. Prioritise your relationships and make time to stay close to people who make you feel warm. 

6. Every day you can tap into your purpose and meaning by picking one thing that matters to you and just making a little progress on it. 

And those are the six pillars to an awesome life. Care to start practicing these today?

Courtesy of Mel Robbins on TikTok

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