Springboks old and new join Elana Afrika-Bredenkamp at MTN #WorkzoneTakeover

Springboks old and new join Elana Afrika-Bredenkamp at MTN #WorkzoneTakeover

The #WorkzoneTakeover with Elana Afrika-Bredenkamp popped over to the MTN offices on Friday morning - and it was an absolute blast.

The #WorkzoneTakeover with Elana Afrika-Bredenkamp at MTN
Lood de Jager, Elana Afrika-Bredenkamp, Jean de Villiers and Bakkies Botha

Elana had a lot of fun at the MTN offices celebrating #BokFriday during her #WorkzoneTakeover. She was even joined by a few current and former Springboks.

READ ALSO: The #WorkzoneTakeover with Elana Afrika-Bredenkamp & Alex Jay

The Jacaranda FM team celebrated the first #BokFriday in true Jac-style with the 1,400 staff members from MTN, who were all clad in #BokFriday supporter jerseys. Rugby stars Lood de Jager, Jean de Villiers, and Bakkies Botha also joined the festivities on the morning. 

"It's amazing! The more people supporting the team the better. The vibe when I arrived was unbelievable," Botha told Elana.

Have a look at some of the pictures from the morning:

To put your office in line to win a #WorkzoneTakeover, send an email to takeover@jacarandafm.com. Send us your company name, location, number of employees in your company, your position, and contact number.

Then, make sure that you’re playing Jacaranda FM, the station that brings you more music you love, when we get to your office. 

Have Elana or Alex doing what you do on a daily basis, as you enjoy the Jacaranda FM ambience right in your office.

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