Three things you are not responsible for in life

Three things you are not responsible for in life

These are so simple and yet we get caught up in the crossfire of feeling responsible for everything and everyone...

A person's hand with purple light
A person's hand with purple light/Pexels/@cottonbro studio

There are many things in life that we are responsible for, so to hear that there are things that don't fall within that purview, is great news. 

TedX speaker Krupalini Swamy shared an inspiring video about the things in life that aren't our responsibility. 

1. You are not responsible for fixing other people's moods

Being kind is always at the forefront of everything, but making sure other people's moods are in line with what you want them to be is an expectation that causes great stress. 

Rather focus on yourself and let them continue on their journey. 

2. Stop beating yourself up for past mistakes

As soon as you realise that everyone messes up, the sooner you realise that you are allowed to make mistakes. Don't dwell on those mistakes, pick yourself up, forgive yourself, and move on. 

"Learn and move forward with kindness". (Instagram)

Mistakes are great at teaching you lessons in life, use them as a lesson for growth. 

3. Making everyone like you is not something you should aspire to

Trying to get everyone to approve of you and like you is a slow losing race, in our opinion. 

Instead of seeking everyone's approval, rather look to make genuine connections with people. 

"Authenticity is your superpower." (Instagram)

Watch her video below, courtesy of Instagram

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Image Courtesy of Pexels


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