Tips on how to teach your children about chores

Tips on how to teach your children about chores

You are not a bad parent if you do not read up on every parenting method or trend as soon as it erupts, but these parenting tips could make your life as a parent a bit easier.


Sometimes parenting feels so hands-on and practical – feeding, bathing, homework, bedtimes…  

Other times, you are put into such complex situations that there surely can’t be a simple way forward.

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You are not a bad parent if you do not read up on every parenting method or trend as soon as it erupts. But to make it easier for you to balance all of the other amazing moments that come with being a mom or dad, Elana Afrika-Bredenkamp is sharing some of the tips that will equip you to make parenting a bit easier.

Introducing your children to household chores doesn’t have to be a stressful thing for you and an unenjoyable experience for them. According to One Messy Mama, it can be a challenge to raise kids to be responsible or helpful at home.  

"Assigning tasks to kids, therefore, becomes a must at this point, but you might be clueless as to how to make this effective."

Here are a few tips that might help you as a parent:

  • Give them chores and tasks they can understand.
  • Ask your children what they’re interested in and align chores accordingly.
  • Make chores fun and enjoyable, perhaps you can let the whole family participate.
  • Select a time that works best for the kids and their demanding schedule.
  • Be clear with rules and instructions of chores and when it should be done.
  • Give praise when kids deserve it.

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One Messy Mama further mentions that these are tips that you can follow to ensure that both parties get committed to this learning opportunity. 

Image courtesy of iStock

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