Toddler alarms mother: "Mommy, I ate my earring"

Toddler alarms mother: "Mommy, I ate my earring"

This mother is warning parents never to take what their children say for granted...

An x ray showing an earring inside the nose of a toddler
An x ray showing an earring inside the nose of a toddler/Instagram Screenshot/thejoyofcurls

It's not uncommon for toddlers to tell white lies, often wrapped in a playful tone. As they grow, they learn how to push the boundaries with what they say and how they say it. 

Sometimes, it's all in good fun, and they might convincingly tell a little fib that's just that – a lie. Still, it would be irresponsible for a parent not to take them seriously, as they could very well be telling the truth. 

Joy Hankins recently shared how her toddler, Amiah, woke up one morning and casually said she'd eaten her earrings. While it sounds like something a toddler might say just to get attention, Hankins wasn't so sure. 

That is, until she searched three-year-old Amiah's room for the missing earrings and found no trace of them. 

When Hankins couldn’t find the earrings but discovered the screw backs, her concern grew. After calling the doctor, she rushed her daughter to the hospital for x-rays.

The chest and stomach x-rays confirmed what Hankins hadn’t expected – Amiah was telling the truth. The earring was clearly visible in her abdomen (or colon), as her mother later explained.

But it didn’t stop there. Amiah then casually told her mother that the second earring was in her nose – almost as if she only remembered after seeing the first one on the X-ray.

Watch the video below – courtesy of Instagram.

After going for a check-up, a follow-up x-ray revealed that the earring in Amiah's tummy was gone. 

Hankins didn't share any more information about the earring in her nose but did say that her daughter is well, and there were no health complications caused by her swallowing the earring. 

Watch the video below as Hankins tries to ask her why she did what she did – courtesy of Instagram.

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Image courtesy of Instagram


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