Toddler prepares special surprise for mom

Toddler prepares special surprise for mom

The things kids get up to when you are not in the room...

Sanitary pads stuck all over the bathroom floor with toys lying on them
Sanitary pads stuck all over the bathroom floor with toys lying on them/Instagram Screenshot/SavannahPestridge

Being a mother of kids under the age of five can be quite a challenge; having to juggle things around can cause stress and anxiety. 

But as we navigate this journey of parenthood and as we watch parents share their experiences online to connect with other parents, we have learned that being a parent is all about perspective. 

How we view things determines how we react or respond to them, and the more we choose to laugh and take things with a lighthearted approach, the less stress and anxiety there will be. 

A mother of four with twin boys shared a video from when she was still a mother of three, and it left us looking at things differently. Far too often, we freak out when our kids do something (kid-appropriate) that causes us more work. 

For instance, when they leave a mess, break something valuable, touch things they shouldn't be touching, etc. All parents have lost their cool at least once in their parenting journey, and if they didn't, then good for them, but to those who have, we get it. Life is tough; it gets messy, but losing your 'cool' ends in feeling guilty. 

This mother shared how, while she was busy feeding her twins, her toddler got into her toiletries, in particular, her sanitary pads, and stuck them all over the bathroom floor. She then added her toy figurines as if they were sleeping on beds. 

Watch what happened below on her video from Instagram

Notice how the little girl was so proud of her efforts, and even though the mother was not entirely overjoyed by what she was seeing, she didn't react negatively. That's perspective.

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Image Courtesy of Instagram


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