Toddler soothes mom after she scolds him

Toddler soothes mom after she scolds him

Mom guilt is real, but there are ways to cope and rise above it all. 

A toddler soothes his mother when she is upset
A toddler soothes his mother when she is upset/TikTok Screenshot/@mom_aldie

Mom guilt is defined as "a name given to the feelings of guilt and shame some people feel when they don’t live up to their own or others’ expectations in their role as a parent. It’s like an internal dialogue that tells you you’re failing as a caregiver". (Health Cleveland Clinic)

We agree with that definition, but let's not discount that it is also a feeling that we moms get when we are too harsh with our kids, because we ourselves are trying to cope with the overwhelming emotions of being a parent. 

A mother who is quite active on social media shared a very gentle, vulnerable moment she shared with her toddler

She was having an overwhelming day, and we commend her for sharing her vulnerability with the world. 

"Yesterday was tough and overwhelming, and I felt like I failed as a mom. I apologised that night and was reminded that even though we feel like a failure, our little humans still think otherwise, we’re still a good mama, and we’re all doing our best." (TikTok)

If you have had a day like this, you will know that it's not easy to smile and move on, but our little ones help us. Their resilience and ability to forgive and process their emotions push us to do better. They make us kinder to ourselves, leading to us being kinder to them.

Watching this little boy soothe and comfort his mother still amazes us how kids can do this. 

Video courtesy of TikTok.

@mom_aldie Yesterday was very tough for me, it was very overwhelming, and I felt like I failed as a mom. I apologized that night and was reminded that even though we feel like a failure, our little humans still think otherwise, we’re still a good mama and we’re all doing our best ❤️ #fyp ♬ Stuff We Did (from 'Up') - Piano Version - your movie soundtrack

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Image Courtesy of TikTok


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