Toddler takes a bath with her new shoes on

Toddler takes a bath with her new shoes on

We love how, as parents, we go into interrogation mode and the kids just shut down!

A fully clothed toddler takes a bath
A fully clothed toddler takes a bath/TikTok Screenshot/@nameshnimoodley

Kids are the only ones who truly know how to surprise you - and not always in a good way. 

Many times, parents have had to learn the hard way that teaching their kids about the value of money and other things takes some tough love - or, shall we say, tough parenting. Kids don't understand how much that new toy costs or why you get so riled up when they waste their food or damage their new shoes. 

They don't understand the value of things because they are still learning about life. And if we have to be honest, we cannot have high expectations of them, considering many adults don't know the value of money themselves. 

The parents of a toddler were unimpressed when they found their toddler fully clothed and swimming in her baby bath. 

Where usually you might be impressed with your toddler asserting more control and running their own bath, this was anything but a welcomed surprise. Mom, Nameshni Moodley, said that she wasn't sure whether to laugh or cry because the young girl decided that taking her new shoes for a swim was a good idea. 

Watch the video below - courtesy of TikTok

@nameshnimoodley This child of mine.. Not sure if I'm supposed to me mad as those are brand new shoes or just laugh 😂😂😂😂@Yugen Moodley441 ♬ Splish Splash - Bobby Darin

Dad reprimanded her, but she shut down with all the questions and continued playing with the water. It seems she was using her baby sister's baby bath...

Most of the parents who came to the comments section had a good laugh about it, and we guess that is the universal solution to parenting. Finding a reason to look at things from the perspective of our little ones...

  • "Looks so uncomfortable wet clothes shoes & socks."
  • "Best part of them."
  • "Now I realised I was doing it wrong all these years."
  • "She is enjoying her pool time."
  • "He said what are you doing she said what ay this 👀child tooo cute how can you even shout at her not possible she is too cute." 

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Image Courtesy of TikTok


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