This two-year-old sells his paintings for up to R129k

This two-year-old sells his paintings for up to R129k

Passion and purpose present themselves differently; for this toddler, it's painting. 

A toddler paints on a large canvas
A toddler paints on a large canvas/Instagram Screenshot/

The 'terrible twos' is a chapter that most parents rarely forget. But we believe it is how you look at it. 

A two-year-old from Bavaria, Germany, is all about being more talented than terrible. Laurent Schwarz has been making waves on social media with his abstract paintings. 

The young boy's fascination with art began in September 2023 when the family went on vacation to Italy. Laurent "was obsessed with a painting in their hotel room". The family struggled to pull him away from admiring the painting.  

Check young Laurent pointing to his paintings—courtesy of Instagram.

Based on his behaviour, Laurent's parents set up a painting room for him when they returned from their vacation

They were so impressed with his artistic abilities that his mom, Lisa, set up a social media page to display his work. Lisa showcased her son's work on Instagram - - and shared his painting process. 

His parents were not the only ones who recognised the little maestro's talent; his social media channel was gaining traction. 

"Because of the attention Laurent’s paintings were gaining on Instagram, Lisa created a website, allowing people to purchase his art if interested. According to The Times, his paintings have gained interest from Munich’s biggest art fair, ART MUC, in April, as well as buyers from both the UK and the Bahamas." (Independent)

You can watch him at work, courtesy of Instagram

A New York gallery recently requested that Laurent's work be displayed privately at a location close to his home. Some of his paintings are being sold for $7,000 (R129,450), and all the money being curated from his paintings will be placed in a separate savings account for him when he turns 18. 

Lisa also confirmed that Laurent is not coerced into painting; sometimes, he doesn't enter his art studio for three to four weeks. They are trying to nurture his artistic expression, yet so many people want to get to know him better as an artist. 

 Tune in to the 'Workzone with Elana Afrika-Bredenkamp', weekdays from 09:00 - 12:00. Stream the show live here or download our mobile app here.

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Image Courtesy of Instagram


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