Understanding my shy child with Sandrina Naidoo

Understanding my shy child with Sandrina Naidoo

There are many practical ways to help a shy child with a confidence boost, and in this week's episode we speak to veteran teacher & children's education expert, Sandrina Naidoo.

Shy Child Baby Brunch 2 Video

Sandrina Naidoo gives helpful advice on becoming a more patient parent (and teacher), a better listener, and understanding that 'wanting to be alone' does not equal loneliness, or depression. 

Shy kids are simply introverted personalities that approach their creative skillset differently - and it takes our skillset to understand them better!  

Brought to you by Epi-max Baby & Junior – our family, for your family. Also supported by Jacaranda 94.2.

Tune in to the 'Workzone with Elana Afrika-Bredenkamp', weekdays from 09:00 - 12:00. Stream the show live here or download our mobile app here.

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