WATCH: This is how millions of children are living across the world

WATCH: This is how millions of children are living across the world

You never really know what someone is going through in life - even children have burdens to carry sometimes...

Young boy selling food on the side of the road
Young boy selling food on the side of the road/Instagram Screenshot/@MurphsLife


There are many children around the world that are forced into child labour, but the image you have in your head isn't always 100% correct. 

We immediately associate child labour with a child sitting in a factory somewhere working, but sometimes it is a child who is standing on the roadside selling something to help feed their family. 

Of course, when we think of it all it makes us sick. 

Because no child should have to bear that responsibility. However, it is a reality that is rife in many countries, not just South Africa. 

WATCH a video of a young boy selling cakes on the side of the road in Venezuela, courtesy of Instagram.

A popular journalist who runs the Murph's Life page shared this video and is hoping to raise enough funds to help Javier and other children forced to sell on the side of busy highways. 

The reality is that these kids don't always get a choice in these matters. Due to their immense impoverished lifestyles, they are forced to do this. 

And it's a matter of living for them. Things like education are a far-sighted thing on their lists of priorities. 

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Image Courtesy of Instagram

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