WATCH: A real-life 'Madea' helps her friend from being mugged in broad daylight

WATCH: A real-life 'Madea' helps her friend from being mugged in broad daylight

These are the real heroes in society...

Woman with a cane runs to a car
Woman with a cane runs to a car/Instagram Screenshot/@goodnews_movement

It is rare to find anyone who will stand up for someone in trouble - and we cannot say we blame them. 

How often will you find someone risk their lives to help save you from danger? Not often. 

And that too when it is a person who is not fully physically abled, it can be even more of a risk. 

This is why we were so humbled to see this real-life 'Madea' help her friend out of a potentially tragic situation. 

In a video taken from a home camera system, we see a person trying to get away from another person in a vehicle. 

They seem to be squabbling. Then all of a sudden we see another woman running with an evident limp toward the car.

She then starts gesturing her cane toward the person in the car as if to scare them away. 

The driver gets back in the car and drives off, and the other person, who we realise later is a senior citizen, is lying on the street. 

The woman who is running with the cane is known as Ms Faye and is considered the neighbourhood heroine for her actions. 

"Ms. Faye even called for her German shepherd Troy to help apprehend the subject. She joked that she would have got to the scene quicker had it not been for her knees. One neighbor said, "Ms. Faye is a badass women. None of us are surprised." (Instagram)

Watch the video below, courtesy of Instagram:

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Image Credit: Instagram

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