WATCH: These shark videos left us shook!

WATCH: These shark videos left us shook!

Why anyone would willingly visit a tank with sharks is beyond us...

A large shark with big teeth swims near divers
A large shark with big teeth swims near divers/YouTube Screenshot/@TheSouthAfrican

We are completely amazed by the history and thrill that comes with shark cage diving. Not saying that it is for us, but just appreciating the history and evolution of sharks. 

It is why we were so amazed when we saw the size of a shark's tooth at the Shark's Board. 

But what really has left us 'jaw-dropped' is two videos that we have come across online recently. 

One shows two divers who were swimming in a tank, that had a very close interaction with a shark. 

The shark came a bit too close for our comfort levels but doesn't attack them. 

But for a moment there we thought it was going to end badly. 

Check out the video below, courtesy of YouTube

Here's video number two. This one was somehow worse. We guess because it shows people just spending time at Orange Beach in Alabama, USA. 

And then all of a sudden, you see something swirling in the water, really fast and with a fin...

What got us is that it came so close to the shore. 

Check it out below, courtesy of TikTok

@tracy_aka_honey Why i stay on the beach!! 🦈 #orangebeach #donteatmyfriends #beach #shark ♬ Jaws Theme - The Hit Crew

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According to the person who posted the video, the shark was a hammerhead and was chasing a stingray. 

Another thing that left us shook was that the beachgoers were not running for their lives but rather recording this on their phones...

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Image Courtesy of YouTube

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