What these things are called, according to a one-year-old...

What these things are called, according to a one-year-old...

Why is this giving us game show vibes?

Baby smiling when shown pics of other babies
Baby smiling when shown pics of other babies/TikTok Screenshot/@zaizaibby

It's always important to note that each child's level of development is different. 

As parents, that can be a tough pill to swallow, as we are so used to comparing. Of course, it is important to take your baby for regular check-ups when it comes to monitoring their development. 

We speak about this after watching a one-year-old so quickly and efficiently associating sounds or words with pictures he sees. 

In the video of baby Azaiah, who is known as ZaiZaiBby on TikTok, we see the young boy communicate what he sees. 

Mom shows him pictures of things that she has Googled and he just answers with such enthusiasm. 

Watch him below, you are sure to be amazed. Courtesy of TikTok

@zaizaibby #babiesoftiktok #babytalk #babytalking #wordsaccordingto #toddlertalk #babytok #greenscreen #zaizaibby #fyp ♬ Funny - Gold-Tiger

We can appreciate how smart this one-year-old is, but it is vital to pick up on cues from your baby. 

Because there is a whole spectrum of things that challenge children, whether that be in regard to their behavioural skills or social skills. 

Cases of Autism and ADHD have risen over the years and as much as we know there isn't anything we all wouldn't do for our kids, being educated and prepared for anything is vital as a parent. 


These things don't make our kids any less than, nor does it mean you did anything wrong as a parent. 

It just means we have to undertake a different approach in terms of parenting - and that is always possible. 

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Image Courtesy of TikTok

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