Woman cries after she finds a fly in her eye

Woman cries after she finds a fly in her eye

This has got to be amusing and scary at the same time...

A black and red flying insect perched on a green leaf
A black and red flying insect perched on a green leaf/Pexels/Pixabay

Of all the insects, we would say that most people are accustomed to living with flies. They are that nuisance neighbour that always comes when you have food out. 

Regardless of the various ways of keeping them away, you will always find them in the most irritating of places. 

One woman shared how she found one in her eye...

Watch how this woman videoed herself removing what she called a fly from her eye. 

Courtesy of TikTok

@rhianngreene When i said i was a cry baby i meant it #traumatized ♬ original sound - rhianngreene

As much as flies can be a menace to society, they are a key part of our ecosystem.

Here are some interesting facts about flies. The last one is most likely the main reason why we all don't like flies around our homes, because they are such big germ spreaders. 

The below facts are from Pest World For Kids.

  • There are more than 120,000 species of flies worldwide. About 18,000 are found in North America. The most common species are houseflies, fruit flies, and horseflies.
  • Most flies live an average of 21 days and take on various shapes throughout their short lives. 
  • A female housefly can lay up to 600 eggs in her short lifetime.
  • Flies eat pretty much anything, from fruit to animal fecal matter (as in poop — ew!).

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Image Courtesy of Pexels


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