"You can't smack people's bottoms, you going to go to jail!"

"You can't smack people's bottoms, you going to go to jail!"

This feisty young girl wasn't letting her father off the hook. 

A young black girl wearing a floral dress with her hair open
A young black girl wearing a floral dress with her hair open/X Screenshot/@Am_Blujay

We are well aware that kids speak their feelings, whether or not they know the impact of their words is another topic altogether. 

It's not easy to explain the boundaries in their relationship with their parents and their parents' relationship with each other. Far too often, kids feel like they have the authority to say and infringe on their parents' relationships as if they are a part of it. 

We saw that when a young girl told her father that he was not allowed to smack her mother, his wife, on the toosh. She emphatically explained why, and we couldn't help but find it funny. 

Besides her younger brother being the hype boy, the young girl earnestly delivered the message to her father. She told him that not only was it nasty to hit his wife's toosh, but it was wrong and would result in him going to jail. 

It certainly begs the question: Should parents explain their public displays of affection to their kids from a young age, or should it be something they refrain from doing in front of their kids?

Watch the video below - courtesy of X

Explaining your acts of affection to younger kids can be tricky, especially when those acts are not the usual hug, kiss, or caress. 

In this case, daddy smacking mommy's toosh should've been X-rated and not been done in front of the kids. But that's our opinion; if you can explain that, then by all means, go for it. 

Of course, normalising affection is the way to go, but before exposing your kids to this, some guidelines on what constitutes acceptable or appropriate need to be agreed upon. 

Also, be mindful of your actions as a couple in front of your kids because sometimes, it may make your kids uncomfortable. 

Tune in to the 'Workzone with Elana Afrika-Bredenkamp', weekdays from 09:00 - 12:00. Stream the show live here or download our mobile app here.

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Image Courtesy of X


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