Young girl repeats mom's pep talk before going to the store

Young girl repeats mom's pep talk before going to the store

It's all about the attitude and how she just owned her pep talk...

A young girl with curly hair points her index finger at her mother
A young girl with curly hair points her index finger at her mother/Instagram Screenshot/aria_johnson_official

Sooner or later, you will realise that your child is like a sponge; they soak up everything you say and do. They can't differentiate between the good and the bad, but they will mimic your behaviour when they can. 

Sometimes, your kids will do or say something that will positively surprise you, the same way this mother was surprised by her toddler making a bottle of milk for herself

"Infants in every culture show the same ability to imitate. Imitation is not a skill babies learn – it is an ability they are born with. An infant’s ability to imitate simple actions, such as sticking out her tongue, comes from the same part of the brain that allows young children to develop empathy." (Parenting Counts)

A kid who seems to have been learning the art of imitation from a young age shared an all-too-familiar pep talk with everyone on social media

This time, the young girl does it instead of her mom, sharing the pep talk she gives her daughter before they enter a store.

Kids sometimes need a stern talking to before entering a store, mainly because they are attracted to many things. To avoid creating a scene, you sometimes buy these things, an added cost most parents need to budget for. 

According to the Parenting Counts website, "Even at a very young age, children imitate their parents' behaviour. Parent and caregiver behaviour presents powerful lessons to a child, leaving impressions on the developing mind. Children store positive and negative images in their minds that may be imitated or tested later." 

Watch her deliver the pep talk to her mom, courtesy of Instagram.

People shared their comments: 

  • "Brought back memories talking through them teeth."
  • "She has heard that speech too many times😂😂😂 for the teeth grit & all."
  • "SHE IS ON POINT. Her attitude,voice,eye expressions but most of all that TONE AND THAT PAUSE WHEN SHE LOOKS BACK LIKE, DONT YOU DARE."
  • "Old woman in a young body."

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Image Courtesy of Instagram


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