100 layers of clothes takes the internet by storm

100 layers of clothes takes the internet by storm

These 100-layer challenges are taking the internet by storm

100 layers challenge

First was the 100 layers of beauty products challenge, now there’s the 100 layers of clothes challenge. We really wonder what's next, maybe 100 layers of food?!

Anyway, the 100 layers of clothes is totally insane and the internet loves it.

Also read: The Extreme Challenge - Extreme Smoothie Challenge!

So you take 100 layers of clothes and put them on yourself. While some have successfully managed to do this, for some it was mission impossible. One couple even almost ‘passed out’. The couple, YouTubers De'arra and Ken shared their experience with viewers, saying "We nearly almost passed out!!!" on the video description.

Below is the video. It is hilarious.

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