British engineer invents clothes that grow with your child

British engineer invents clothes that grow with your child

Isn't he just one of the most ingenious inventors ever?

British engineer invents clothes that grow with your child

Children outgrowing their clothes is an age-old and very costly problem for parents.

But the solution may have arrived thanks to a British inventor who’s managed to design clothes that grow at the same time as the children wearing them.

Ryan Yasin has created a material which would allow clothes to grow up to six sizes, saving parents a lot of money every time their child has a growth spurt, reports.

Ryan told that he came up with the idea after he bought his nephew designer clothes and after few months, the baby had grown too big for them, which made him realise how frustrating it can be for parents to buy clothes for their babies.

It may not look the prettiest, but is sure is one of the greatest inventions we've seen!

Would you buy this for you child?

ALSO WATCH: Dad shares genius way to help babies learn how to walk

Take a look at the cool video below:

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