Brothers prank sister into believing zombie apocalypse has arrived

Brothers prank sister into believing zombie apocalypse has arrived

In what seems to be the meanest sibling prank of the season, two brothers made their sister, who just had wisdom tooth removed and was high on painkillers, believe that the zombie apocalypse had arrived.


A visit to the dentist can be a horrible experience.

Even after leaving the surgery, you may find yourself having to deal with pain at home.

And with that in mind, two brothers thought of a very interesting way to make their sister, Millicent, forget about the pain. They came up with a story involving zombies.

Now, of course tooth aches are painful, but witnessing a zombie apocalypse is bound to leave anyone freaked out.

It started off with a fake radio announcement that warned residents of a possible viral outbreak, and then moved to poor Millicent finding herself having to choose her favourite pet between her dog and her cat, and between Funfetti or chocolate cake.

We have to give it to these two brothers, they really pulled this one off nicely.

Watch the prank below, but be warned, it may cause you to laugh out loud.

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