Father cons restaurant for prime table and special treatment

Father cons restaurant for prime table and special treatment

A father and son pair in New York hatched a plan to secure a free table and a complimentary meal at a popular restaurant. 

dad fake pm

For most people, hearing a restaurant concierge say that there are no tables available is enough. No matter how much you would have liked to eat at the establishment, if there is no space on that particular night, you just move on. 

But not if you are this father-and-son pair from New York. The elder of the pair called a local restaurant seeking a booking and was told that it was full. Not willing to give up so easily, he called back, but this time he changed his name. 

The man told the restaurant that he was the Prime Minister of Morocco. Instantly, he was given a table. 

The man and his son were shown the highest level of hospitality. According to Mashable, the older man completely took on the persona of the Prime Minister, going as far as "signing a plate like a practiced politician before taking photographs with the eager employees who looked excited to have a Moroccan dignitary in the building". 

It appears the employees at the restaurant in question believed that the crafty diner was Saadeddine Othmani, the current Prime Minister of Morocco, or, more likely, Abdelilah Benkirane, who the man does bear a slight physical resemblance to.

The ignorance of the restaurant employees aside, it is quite impressive how far the man took his lie. He committed to it all the way - what a champion. 

But it's best not to rely on the gullibility of restaurant staff in your own area. Make your reservations well in advance, just to be safe. 

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